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Digital transformation is changing the business landscape

June 3, 2021


Digital transformation pertains to the transformation of business operations; it’s the process of using digital technologies to create a digital business model. Customer experience, augmented analytics, efficiency and flexibility are some of the factors that make digital transformation extremely important for business competitiveness.

Improved Customer Experience

In the pandemic era, customer experience is more important than ever. Not only do customers expect businesses to deliver their products immediately, but they also want access to highly-skilled and always available resources. This requires reliable and in-depth insights that can be generated by an ERP system.

Combined with the right data management strategy, modern ERP solutions provide an impressive amount of data on all aspects of customer behavior. The better a company takes advantage of insights provided by structured and unstructured data, the more relevant, personalized and flexible its customer experience will be.

Augmented Analytics

As digital technologies continue to evolve, the field of analytics is rapidly changing. For example, many digital technologies combine traditional reporting and analytics with machine learning. The main advantage of augmented analytics is their ease of use, in the sense that one does not need to be an expert to use them. Another advantage is that they can visualize data using natural language generation. This makes platforms more accessible to users regardless of their level of expertise.

Improved Efficiency

Even if your business operations are ideal, you will still want to be even more productive and efficient. Digital transformation includes automation, data integration, and process enhancements that upgrade business operations and enable more efficient and smarter work. Many ERP systems are designed based on standardized best practices to minimize non-automated tasks and error margins.

Increased Flexibility

Modern businesses need to be flexible in order to effectively cope with challenges. Digital transformation allows them to respond to change and the ever-evolving needs of their customers, thus developing a culture of improvement with long-term benefits.

At the same time, digital transformation trains employees and improves their skills. In the long run, this is a business investment that prepares people for even more new technologies that businesses will inevitably take advantage of in the near future.

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